The PTO, in conjunction with the Bound Brook Revitalization Project & The Bound Brook Rec Department, are holding a Fall Fest downtown on Main Street between Mountain Ave. & the Circle
DATE: SUN. OCT. 27th from 12p-4pm
COST: Free to attend! All are Welcome!
The PTO will be selling Fall Flowers, and snacks/drinks at the Fall Fest to raise $ for all of our 2024-2025 events & activities (Field Trips, Bag Bingo, Holiday Breakfast, Dances, Teacher Appreciation Week, End of School Bash, and MORE!!!)
WHAT: Trunk or treat (12-2p), Costume contest & parade (2:30pm), Pumpkin picking & painting (available while supplies last), Food, Vendors, Bounce House, and MORE
Normally the PTO charges a fee as part of our fundraising efforts, in conjunction with providing candy & prizes for the trunks. We have decided to forgo that this year.
If you sign up to decorate a trunk, you are doing so at no fee. However, we are not providing candy or items for pass out. Each car must bring there own. Please note, we had 300+ people in attendance last year, so plan accordingly.
If you would like to make a contribution to the PTO we always welcome that! Please use the button below to make a general donation.
Thank you for your support!!!!!